Our First Family Photo

Our First Family Photo
One Hour Old

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Year Two for Wyatt

Sorry for my long absence; it really seems like I haven't posted anything forever.  Wyatt turned 2 January 14th, and it has already been so different than year 1.  It's amazing to me that right when he turned two he started being interested in having conversations and interacting soooo maturely!  He also has been really developing his imagination and will build a flashlight with Mr. Potato Head parts and always wants to pretend he's blowing leaves with his baseball tee.  He likes pretending to cook bacon and eggs and coffee and fixing his (very pink and purple) kitchen with his tools.  It's these moments that I try to take a mental note to cherish and remember just how special it is to be able to raise this little man.

Rob just got back in town, and Wyatt really doesn't like him being gone.  It's tough on a little one to change something so routine for him.  I let Wyatt talk on the phone to daddy and tell him when he'll be home so he knows a little better what's going on.  I think he may also be starting to dream b/c I've heard that happens around this age.  He isn't sleeping as deeply and also is only allowed to have his "boppy" at nap and bedtime.  I have to admit though it makes it easier to get him to take a nap and go to bed.

This age is known to be a difficult age, and I see him gaining his independence and developing his personality more and more.  I hope he stays my snuggle bug; he is such a polite toddler and loves to be with other kids.  We have been working on shapes and counting and colors and the alphabet a little.  I found a story time at the train village in Jackson, and he loved it.  Trains and books are a lot of fun for him.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find my battery charger for my camera and need to take some recent video.  So here are some old favorites for you to enjoy with lots of spring time dirt and flowers!

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