In the midst of all the newness of a baby coming home and being born, Wyatt celebrated his 4th Birthday!!!!
We had a small family birthday lunch and invited a friend to have cake and ice cream with us. Wyatt really enjoyed the day and even got to go to Pet Smart and pick out some fish for part of his present. He also got a BB gun from his granny and poppa and couldn't be more excited about it. It is so hard to believe 4 years have gone by since he was the one I was home with and holding as a little infant. He is so excited to be 4 years old.
A Big Wheel and with the weather so nice he's already gotten lots time riding it. |
This is his face when he opened his BB gun! |

He loves his underwear card from Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Allan! |
Shooting his BB Gun. |
My Sweet 4 Year Old |
Happy Birthday Wyatt! You're present is late......