Our First Family Photo

Our First Family Photo
One Hour Old

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

So many firsts

Wyatt is still thriving and being a wonderful little boy.  We are blessed to watch him learn so many new things these days.  He got a toy from McDonalds from his 1st Happy Meal and will find both pieces and bring them to me.  It is a top with another piece you attach it to to turn it and push a button to release it.  It will bounce off the floor and spin.  Anyway, it seems like such a simple thing knowing two pieces go together, but it strikes me as such a smart step and reminds me how much he has grown.

He also is speaking and learning a new word almost everyday.  His favorite word seems to be Evey, our cat, and he'll point and say it over and over until he finds her.  He knows where she likes to sleep and just thinks she is so cool.  She begs to differ most of the time but is tolerating him and his pointing at her :)  He also says Mum Mum, Mama, Dada, Daddy, Ball, Balloon, Down, Thank you, Light, Hot, and Mmm Hmmm.  It's funny but I doubt most people understand him.  I think moms learn their babies' language until the rest of the world can.

Here is a video from today of Wyatt eating lunch.  It was messy but fun.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, he's growing too fast! Miss you and love you guys - we need to plan a reunion with everyone!
